Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wedding Invitations

Hi, old friend! So I've been going gangbusters with wedding preparations... now that I've sent out all of the invitations, I thought I'd show them here, too.

I love the paper with the peacocks on it... from Christina Re. The deep green paper is metallic. I wasn't going to put the ribbon and butterfly on, but my mum informed me that wedding invitation should be red and gold, and now I think it actually looks better with that extra touch of colour.

So the inside... I got a stamp made with all the details on it, and stamped them on the invites. The small cards are just printed with an inkjet printer... they bled a little, but after stamping 160 invites, I wasn't very fussy.

A closeup of the back and front of the small cards.

The stamp that I used. I got this made up at federal stamps, they can do any size and without a handle. I used a white chalk stamp (don't try rolling paint on, it doesn't work!) which worked well, but stamping every invitation took hours.

On another note, I just discovered a better way to sew zippers through this video by Brett Bara on Design*Sponge. I had been doing it without sewing the opening shut first and I now think that is lame. I just bought her new book because I'm hoping there will even more pearls of wisdom to be found there.